(Predicted Question Bank)
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Data Interpretation — 22
(Predicted Question Bank)
Directions (Q. 1–5): There are six electronics manufacturing companies which produce two types of mobile phones (4G and 5G). The total production cost of all six companies together is 80 crore rupees. The following pie-chart shows the percentage distribution of the total production, and the table shows the ratio of production of 4G to 4G mobile and percent profit for these two types.
1. What is the sum of the profit earned by Ericsson Company on 5G phones and that by Casio Company on 4G phones?
1) Rs. 224.8 lakh 2) Rs. 248.4 lakh 3) Rs. 262.4 lakh 4) Rs. 287.5 lakh 5) Rs. 320 lakh
2. What is the ratio of the profit earned on 4G phones to that on 5G phones by Black Berry Company ?
1) 5 : 7 2) 12 : 25 3) 3 : 7 4) 3 : 5 5) None of these
3. The profit earned by Dell Company on 5G phones is what per cent of the total production cost of Apple Company on 4G phones?
1) 7.5% 2) 10% 3) 12.5% 4) 15% 5) 17.5%
4. What is the total production cost of 5G phones by Apple Company and Dell Company together?
1) 12.4 crore 2) 12.8 crore 3) 13.2 crore 4) 13.6 crore 5) 14 crore
5. What is the total profit earned by Firefly Company for both 4G and 5G phones together?
1) Rs. 4.26 crore 2) Rs.4.64 crore 3) Rs.4.92 crore 4) Rs. 5.24 crore 5) Rs.5.84 crore
Directions (Q. 6–10): Stud)’ the given chart and table carefully to answer the given questions:
The graph shows the production of Sugar,,Salt, Spices and Soybeans in six different years
( Production in thousand tones ) % of the total production used under various heads
1. In which year is the quantity of export the maximum?
1) 2017 2) 2018 3) 2019 4) 2020 5) 2021
2. What is the ratio of the production of Spices to that of Salt over the six years?
1) 25 : 27 2) 23 : 25 3) 23 : 28 4) 23 : 27 5) 22 :27
3. In which year is the quantity Online Stores supply the minimum ?
1) 2017 2) 2018 3) 2022 4) 2021 5) 2020
4. In 2021 what is the difference between the amount of Online Stores supply and that used in export?
1) 53000 tonnes 2) 56000 tonnes 3) 54500 tonnes 4) 52500 tonnes 5) 59000 tonnes
5. In which year is the production the minimum?
1) 2018 and 2020 2) 2021 3) 2022 4) 2019 and 2021 5) 2017
Directions (11–15): Study the following graphs carefully to answer the given questions
Time taken to travel (in hours) by six City Buses from May 1 to May 3 in 2023
1. The distance travelled by City Bus F6 on May 3 in 2023 was approximately what per cent of the distance travelled by it on May I in 2023 ?
1) 95% 2) 92% 3) 91% 4) 98% 5) 96%
2. What was the speed of City Bus C3 on May 2 in terms of metre per second?
1) 17.80 m/s 2) 17.5 m/s 3) 18 m/s 4) 17.88 m/s 5) 18.8 m/s
3. What is the ratio of the speeds of City Bus E5 to City Bus F6 on May 2 in 2023 ?
1) 13 : 17 2) 13 : 15 3) 17 : 15 4) 19: : 17 5) None of these
4. Which of the following City Bus travelled at the same speed on all three dates?
1) D4 2) A1 3) C3 4) E5 5) F6
5. What was the difference between the speed of City Bus A1 on May 1 and the speed of City Bus D4 on May 2?
- 7 kmph :2) 9 kmph 3) 7.5 kmph 4) 8.5 kmph 5) 8 kmph
: Directions (Q. 16–20) — The given line graph shows the total number of students of Planet Vidya Classes in different groups ( Online / Offline participants ) and the bar graphs show the percentage boys and the percentage of students in online mode in each group, respectively on 12th December, 2022
1. The total number of girls of Group MP3 and Group Pv4 together is what percentage of the total number of students of Group Pv5 and Group Pv6 together?
1) 35 % 2) 45 % 3) 55 % 4) 65 % 5) 75 %
2. The number of girls of Group MP1 is what percentage more than the number of boys of Group Pv5?
1) 75 % 2) 60 % 3) 225 % 4) 80 % 5) 125%
3. If the number of students in online mode of Group Pv6 decreases by 50 % and the number of students in offline mode of Group Pv6 increases by 100 %, what will be the ratio of the number online students to the number of offline students for Group Pv6?
1) 9:8 2) 3:8 3) 8:3 4) 3:2 5)2:1
4. What is the average number of boys of all the six groups together?
1) 32 2) 35 3) 36 4) 36.5 5) 37.5
5. What is the difference between the number of students in online mode and the number of students in offline mode of all the six groups?
1) 22 2) 23 3) 24 4) 25 5)
Directions (Q. 21–25): The following table shows the percentage Life Members (lifetime) of M Power Group, who belong to various Institutes under this group, and the percentage of members who have Master Degrees (MD) and the ratio of males to females in these Institutes. The total number of Life Members in the six Institutions of M Power Group is 40000 .
Life Members
% MD
Male : Female
13 : 5
9 : 7
17 : 11
14 : 11
7 : 3
7 : 5
6. The total number of Life Members in PV Institute who have Master Degrees (MD) is what percentage more than the total number of Female Life Members in that Institute?
1) 60 % 2) 62 % 3) 66 % 4) 66 % 5) 68 %
7. What is the difference between the total number of Male Life Members and the total number of Female Life Members of M Power Group,?
1) 8480 2) 8960 3) 9540 4) 9360 5) None of these
8. What is the percentage of Life Members who have Master Degrees (MD), taking all six Institutions together?
1) 51.9 % 2) 50.7 % 3) 40.5 % 4) 47.3 % 5) 46.1 %
9. The total number of Male Life Members in MPG Institutes is what percentage of the total number of numbers of the M Power Group?
1) 8.4% 2) 9.6% 3) 12.5% 4) 14.2% 5) 15.75%
10. What is the ratio of the total Male Life Members of MP Institute to the total Female Life Members of PVP Institute?
1) 21:5 2) 23:7 3) 25:6 4) 27:7 5) 28:9
- M Power G